

All the mines use static & dynamic weighing systems to drive their installations, controlling on line the size of the crushed material they produce or accurately measuring the quantity of ore they send to stockpiles for storage before overseas shipment.

Precia Molen, as a long-established manufacturer of weighbridges, used its knowledge of minerals process to continuously extend the range of equipment it develops to serve the mining industry as high flow rate belt scales, strong volumetric extractors, robust slide gates, fully wireless controllers and associated software for dumper weighing, scales supervision, blending and performance survey.


Raw material transfer

Weighbridge ROC  Weighbridges, Driver terminals



  Input/output management software


FX - Twin belt scales   Single station belt scale



belt weigher TAB   Multistation belt scale


belt scales  Continuous weighing belt scales




Loading and expedition


belt scales  Belt weighing



FX - Twin belt scales  Single station belt scale



belt weigher TAB  Multistation belt scales



conveyors continuous weighing  Conveyors belt

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